
Looking down at that little + sign and facing an unplanned pregnancy is frightening. Every thought races through your mind…What am I going to do? This will ruin everything! I don’t even know if he loves me! I have no support. I never thought this could happen to me!

This similar story line has flashed in millions of bathrooms across the nation. You are not alone in your feelings. Many women have and will continue to be in your position. So what is the answer? That is ultimately for you to decide, but don’t make a decision without researching the facts and truths. Know what decision you are making before you make it!

The abortion pill (RU486) is a chemical compound. Taken as a pill RU486 can cause an abortion to occur in a woman up to seven weeks (49 days) after her last menstrual period. RU486 works by interfering with the hormone progesterone which is vital in the life of the embryo. The chemicals fill the receptor site where progesterone is normally reserved. Since the signal is no longer being transmitted the woman’s body shuts down its preparation of the uterus and starts the normal menstrual cycle again. This process deprives the baby of the nutrients it needs, and so the baby is swept out of the body along with the decayed uterine lining.

What to expect?
The abortion pill consists of three doctor visits. Do NOT order RU486 online. It is illegal and highly dangerous. RU486 is a prescription only. At the first visit the woman will have a physical examination and possibly an ultrasound. If the health professional views it safe to proceed the woman will receive the RU486 pills. The first pill Mifeprex (mifepristone) will be taken with the abortionist present. This pill is designed to cause death to the embryo. The second visit will be two days later. At that time the woman will take Cytotee (misoprostal) either orally or vaginally. Cytotee causes painful contractions that starts the process of expelling the baby. About half of women abort during the first few hours. Another 26% may abort over the next 20 hours and the rest may abort sometime in the next two weeks. Approximately 14 days after the second visit, a third visit will be scheduled. At this time the health-care professional will determine if the abortion was complete. If it was not, then a surgical abortion will need to occur. Around 8% of women will not complete a medical abortion with RU486.

Side Effects?
The side effects of RU486 include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Painful Cramping
  • Bleeding (9-16 day)

Less common but more serious side effects:

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Heavy Bleeding
  • Undiagnosed Ectopic Pregnancy

It   It is important to have an ultrasound before having a medical abortion. If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy RU486 will NOT work. In this case a woman’s fallopian tube could burst causing internal hemorrhaging and possible death.

Also, one third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage by nature. With this fact in mind it is important not to make a decision too quickly.

You should not have a medical abortion if you have:

  •  High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
  •  Bleeding Problem
  • Anemia
  •  Uncontrolled Diabetes
  •  Ectopic Pregnancy
  •  IUD in place

You are facing a crisis now! Yet, please also consider the long term risks before taking RU486. A medical abortion increases the risk for a woman to deliver a premature baby in the future. Also, terminating a pregnancy results in a loss of protection against breast cancer. Carrying to full term gives protection because it allows the breast tissue to fully develop. When a pregnancy is cut short so is the development that is taking place within the breasts. Among the physical long term risks are psychological and emotional impacts. Including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Suicide
  • Eating Disorders
  • Difficulty Bonding with Family and Friends
  • Guilt
  • Grief
  • Anger
  •   Relationship Struggles (couples who induce abortion are at increased risk)

So before making a decision think it over, talk to your family, friends, and doctor. To hear from those who have chosen abortion visit Think about the immediate effects and the future ones.

What is the difference between the abortion pill and the morning-after pill?

Abortion Pill The Morning-After Pill
Method used to terminate early pregnancy. Method used to prevent pregnancy.
Medication: Mifeprex (mifepristone) Cytotee (misoprostal) Medication: Plan B One Step (levonorgestrel)
Must be taken within 49 days of last menstrual period. Must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex.
Pills must be prescribed by a health-care professional. Consists of at least 3 visits. Depending on age, pill may be purchased without a prescription.
Will not prevent STI or STD. Will not prevent against STI or STD.


This article is for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider further before taking any medication.

If you need someone to talk to we are here to help. Call us 573-883-1088